The more than forty years of international activity of AGRISTUDIO s.r.l. includes numerous projects in the five continents, spread over over seventy countries. The high quality of the services provided has contributed to giving AGRISTUDIO s.r.l. an exemplary reputation thanks to the professionalism of a multidisciplinary working group, as well as the deep respect that has always been shown for professional ethics and local cultures.
The national activity of AGRISTUDIO s.r.l. boasts important experiences in all Italian regions in the management of natural resources, environmental monitoring, territorial surveys, the implementation of projects and studies for the enhancement of the territory, the recovery of environmental assets and the protection of biodiversity, in the production of thematic maps at any detail of scale made through photo interpretation of satellite images and earth.
AGRISTUDIO s.r.l. is, internally, a flexible structure able to respond promptly and professionally to any technical request. The projects are constantly coordinated and monitored by the company's management staff, who are daily involved in the implementation of the activities, supporting the decision-making process of the staff employed in the field and in administrative procedures.
AGRISTUDIO S.R.L. is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards for the "Planning, design and provision of technical assistance services in the sectors: agroforestry, environmental, zootechnical, rural development and territorial and naturalistic surveys".